Digital Nomad Co-working Spaces
Digital Nomad Co-working Spaces

Digital Nomad Co-working Spaces

Digital Nomad Co-working Spaces



Founder & CEO of NomadVibe.

Founder & CEO of NomadVibe.

July 27, 2023

July 27, 2023

As a digital nomad, finding the perfect co-working spot abroad is like discovering a hidden treasure—a place that nurtures your productivity, fosters connections, and inspires your creative spirit. Whether you're planning a short-term stay or embarking on an indefinite nomadic journey, selecting the right workspace is crucial for a fulfilling and successful remote work experience. In this guide, I'll share my personal tips and insights on how to choose the perfect co-working spot abroad, so you can work, explore, and live your dream life as a digital nomad.

Decoding Your Co-working Needs

Welcome to the ultimate quest for your nomadic office oasis! Before we embark on this thrilling journey to find the perfect co-working spot abroad, we must first decode your unique co-working needs. Just like finding your soulmate (or at least a fellow nomad to share coffee breaks with), choosing the right workspace requires a little introspection.  So, let's dive in and decipher your co-working desires with a touch of wit and wisdom!

1.1 The Workspace Compatibility Test

Imagine your co-working space as a quirky dating app profile. You need to know if it's the right match for your work style, preferences, and professional goals. Are you a social butterfly, eager to flutter your way into the heart of a buzzing co-working community? Or perhaps you're more of a lone wolf, seeking a serene den for uninterrupted focus? Picture yourself on a virtual coffee date with your workspace, and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you prefer a space with background chatter, laughter, and a vibrant atmosphere? You might be a "Socialite Nomad" who thrives on the energy of a bustling community.

  • Are you the kind of nomad who needs a calm, distraction-free zone to hit those productivity highs? Embrace your "Zen Nomad" persona, in search of a serene sanctuary.

  • Are you looking for a workspace that's not just a desk and a chair, but a vibrant hub of networking events, skill-sharing sessions, and potential collaborations? Consider yourself a "Networking Nomad" who loves to connect and grow professionally.

1.2 The Location Dilemma: Urban Jungle or Coastal Dream?

Location, my dear nomad, is like the seasoning of your co-working curry. Are you craving the sizzling excitement of a dynamic city, where skyscrapers dance with the clouds? Or does the soothing sound of waves crashing on sandy shores whisper sweet nothings to your adventurous soul? Let's find out which location suits your nomadic appetite:

  • Urban Adventurer: You're a city dweller at heart, reveling in the hustle and bustle of vibrant metropolises. Co-working spaces nestled amidst the city's vibrant streets, cafes, and cultural events are your go-to choice.

  • Beach Bum: Ah, the allure of sandy toes and salty kisses! For you, a beachfront co-working space with panoramic ocean views is the ultimate dream. A workspace that combines work and play, where you can dip your toes in the water during lunch breaks, is pure bliss.

1.3 Budget: The Frugal Nomad's Dilemma

The dreaded budget conversation—let's face it, we're all in a committed relationship with our wallets. Co-working spaces come in all price ranges, from budget-friendly gems to lavish work sanctuaries. But don't be afraid! There's a perfect fit for every pocket, and we'll find yours:

  • Penny Pincher: You're the savvy nomad who knows the art of living large on a shoestring budget. Co-working spaces that offer affordable day passes, flexible memberships, or even free trials will have your heart skipping a beat.

  • Treat Yourself: If you're all about the luxurious experience, don't shy away from the more premium co-working spaces. After all, you deserve the best, and splurging on a stunning workspace can elevate your productivity and morale.

Researching Co-working Spaces

Researching Co-working Spaces

The thrilling phase of co-working space exploration—the digital nomad's equivalent of swiping left or right on potential workspaces. Don't be afraid, my adventurous friend! I'll show you this virtual sea of options to find the co-working gem that aligns perfectly with your nomadic aspirations.

2.1 Virtual Tours and Reviews: The Co-working Catwalk

In this digital age, co-working spaces showcase their finest features on the virtual catwalk—a.k.a. their websites and social media pages. Picture yourself as a discerning fashionista, critiquing the finest co-working ensembles. Check out virtual tours that give you a sneak peek into the workspace layout, amenities, and ambiance. Just like fashion reviews, co-working space reviews from fellow nomads provide candid insights into the co-working experience—sort of like a Yelp for workspaces. Let's not forget, dear nomad, that every space has its strengths and quirks, just like that one friend who always wears mismatched socks but tells the best jokes.

2.2 Cozy Corners or Community Hubs?

Co-working spaces are like colorful, eclectic cafes—they come in all flavors! Some spaces are buzzing community hubs, offering networking events, workshops, and enough social interaction to make a politician blush. On the other end of the spectrum, you'll find cozy, tucked-away corners where introverted nomads can find solace and solitude. It's like choosing between a lively dance party or a peaceful yoga retreat—both have their allure. So, dear nomad, decide if you're more of a networking maestro, eager to dive into a sea of vibrant professionals, or if you prefer to silently work your magic from the shadows.

2.3 Trial Days and Flexibility: Co-working Speed Dating

The nomadic equivalent of speed dating—trial days at co-working spaces! These nifty offerings allow you to dip your toes into the co-working pool before making a long-term commitment. Treat it like dating multiple spaces at once—you're not cheating; you're just keeping your options open! Flexibility is the name of the game in the nomadic world. Look for co-working spaces that offer daily passes, weekly memberships, or flexible plans that cater to your nomadic lifestyle. After all, we're all about embracing the spirit of adventure, and that includes the freedom to roam and explore without getting tied down.

2.4 The Mystery of Co-working Space Amenities

Imagine the co-working space amenities as a treasure hunt. Some spaces boast supercharged internet speeds that can make you feel like you're surfing the web on a magic carpet. Others may charm you with ergonomic chairs that embrace your back like a long-lost friend. The best co-working spaces offer an exciting mix of amenities to cater to your professional needs. High-speed internet, printing services, private meeting rooms, and complimentary refreshments are just a few of the gems you might uncover. It's like a digital nomad's version of Disneyland—the more amenities, the merrier the workday!

2.5 Co-working Spaces as Social Buffets

The allure of co-working spaces: Where professionals of all flavors gather to savor the buffet of social interactions. Picture yourself at a grand feast, mingling with people from diverse backgrounds, industries, and cultures. Some co-working spaces even offer language or cultural exchange programs, where you can swap stories and learn new phrases from your international peers. It's a social extravaganza—a global potluck of connections and camaraderie. So, dear nomad, don your metaphorical party hat and prepare to indulge in the social feast of co-working spaces!

Must-Have Amenities

Must-Have Amenities

The nomadic checklist of co-working dreams—the section where we uncover the hidden gems that transform an ordinary workspace into a digital nomad's paradise. Buckle up, fellow nomads, as we journey through the realm of must-have amenities!

3.1 Blazing-Fast Internet: The Wi-Fi Wizardry

For a digital nomad, fast and reliable internet is the holy grail—the secret potion that keeps us connected to the virtual world. It's like having a magical wizard at your service, casting spells to ensure that your video calls don't turn into buffering nightmares. Imagine uploading files at the speed of light, seamlessly collaborating with your team, and never having to utter those dreaded words, "Can you hear me now?". So, prioritize the co-working spaces that offer Wi-Fi wizardry—a connection so smooth, it'll make your favorite caffeinated beverage jealous!

3.2 Ergonomic Comfort: Chair Heaven and Desk Nirvana

As digital nomads, we're no strangers to long hours of screen time and focused work. But don't be afraid, weary nomad, for ergonomic comfort is here to save the day! Picture yourself sitting on a cloud-like chair that cradles your back like a supportive friend. And let's not forget about the adjustable desks that cater to your height and preferred working style. It's like finding the perfect pair of shoes that make you feel like you're walking on air. With ergonomic comfort, you'll conquer your workday like a seasoned pro and bid farewell to backaches and discomfort.

3.3 Meeting and Conference Facilities: The Deal-Making Dens

The thrill of sealing the deal with a firm handshake and a winning presentation—whether you're meeting clients or collaborating with your remote team, having access to well-equipped meeting and conference facilities is a game-changer. Picture yourself in a professional space, equipped with top-notch audiovisual aids and comfortable seating, where you can impress your audience and close the deal with flair. It's like stepping into a secret lair of productivity—a place where deals are made, ideas are born, and success is just a presentation away.

3.4 Refreshments and Snacks: The Fuel for Productivity

We nomads may have a penchant for adventure, but we also know the value of a well-timed snack break! Co-working spaces that offer complimentary refreshments and healthy snacks are like oases in the nomadic desert. Picture yourself refueling with a cup of freshly brewed coffee, sipping on a revitalizing tea, or grabbing a handful of energizing nuts between tasks. It's like having a snack bar stocked with all your favorites, ready to power up your workday. So, let your workspace keep your belly happy and your productivity soaring!

3.5 Communal Areas for Networking: The Social Hubs

The beating heart of co-working spaces—the communal areas that breathe life into networking and social interactions. Picture yourself in a shared kitchen, making small talk over coffee with fellow nomads from around the globe. It's like a cocktail party where professional connections are stirred, and friendships are shaken (or vice versa). The communal areas are where serendipitous encounters happen, sparking collaborations, sharing industry insights, and even forming lifelong friendships. Embrace the social hubs of co-working spaces, where work and play intertwine in a delightful dance of networking magic.

Assessing Community and Networking

Assessing Community and Networking

Picture this, fellow nomads: You've found a cozy co-working space with blazing-fast internet, ergonomic chairs, and an endless supply of snacks—sounds like paradise, right? But hold your digital horses! A nomadic workspace isn't just about the physical amenities; it's also about the vibrant community that brings it to life.

4.1 The Nomad Mixer: A Symphony of Networking

Imagine your co-working space as a bustling nomad mixer—a grand symphony of professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries. It's like being at a vibrant party where the guest list includes talented designers, savvy marketers, innovative developers, and witty copywriters. Immerse yourself in this networking symphony. Strike up conversations, share your passions, and collaborate like a symphony conductor guiding an orchestra of talents. Who knows, you might just find your next business partner, a mentor, or a fellow adventurer to explore the local sights with!

4.2 Community Events: Where Networking Takes Flight

Co-working spaces are more than just a spot to park your laptop (I love these words :) —they're thriving ecosystems of events and workshops. Picture yourself at a community event, attending a workshop on digital marketing or a skill-sharing session on creative writing. It's like being in a learning wonderland, where you can sharpen your professional skills and grow in unexpected ways. So, dear nomad, dive into the sea of community events, soak up knowledge, and let your nomadic spirit soar on the wings of learning and collaboration.

4.3 The Friendly Vibe: Embracing Camaraderie

The magical ambiance of a co-working space that feels like a warm hug—it's like entering a secret clubhouse where everyone knows your name. Friendly smiles, shared jokes, and spontaneous conversations create an atmosphere of camaraderie. It's like being part of a close-knit family, united by the nomadic spirit and a shared passion for remote work. Embrace the friendly vibe, dear nomad, and let the connections you make here become the pillars of support and inspiration on your nomadic journey.

4.4 Nomadic Nom-Nom: Sharing Culinary Adventures

In the nomadic world, food is not just sustenance—it's an adventure! Picture yourself in a co-working space with a shared kitchen, where the aromas of diverse cuisines fill the air. It's like being on a global culinary tour, sampling delicacies from different cultures. So, my food-loving nomad, gather 'round the communal table, swap recipes, and embrace the nomadic nom-nom culture. Who knows, your next lunch break might turn into a feast of international flavors and delightful conversations!

4.5 Supportive Allies: Building Your Nomadic Tribe

In this nomadic odyssey, your co-working community becomes your tribe—a support system that cheers you on through challenges and celebrates your triumphs. Picture yourself surrounded by allies who understand the joys and hurdles of the nomadic lifestyle. It's like having a squad of cheerleaders who've got your back no matter where your work adventures take you. So, dear nomad, cherish these supportive allies, and let the bonds of friendship grow as you share the nomadic rollercoaster together.

Trusting Your Nomadic Instincts

Trusting Your Nomadic Instincts

In the quest for the perfect co-working spot, trust your nomadic instincts. Listen to your gut feeling and intuition as you explore different spaces. A co-working spot that feels like home and aligns with your professional goals is worth its weight in gold.

A World of Co-working Adventures Awaits

Choosing the perfect co-working spot abroad is an exciting journey of self-discovery and exploration. Embrace the nomadic lifestyle with an open heart and a discerning eye, and you'll find the workspace that ignites your passion for remote work. With a blend of research, must-have amenities, and a vibrant community, your destination workspace awaits—an oasis where productivity and adventure intertwine in perfect harmony.

And as always, until the next post arrivederci folks :)

As a digital nomad, finding the perfect co-working spot abroad is like discovering a hidden treasure—a place that nurtures your productivity, fosters connections, and inspires your creative spirit. Whether you're planning a short-term stay or embarking on an indefinite nomadic journey, selecting the right workspace is crucial for a fulfilling and successful remote work experience. In this guide, I'll share my personal tips and insights on how to choose the perfect co-working spot abroad, so you can work, explore, and live your dream life as a digital nomad.

Decoding Your Co-working Needs

Welcome to the ultimate quest for your nomadic office oasis! Before we embark on this thrilling journey to find the perfect co-working spot abroad, we must first decode your unique co-working needs. Just like finding your soulmate (or at least a fellow nomad to share coffee breaks with), choosing the right workspace requires a little introspection.  So, let's dive in and decipher your co-working desires with a touch of wit and wisdom!

1.1 The Workspace Compatibility Test

Imagine your co-working space as a quirky dating app profile. You need to know if it's the right match for your work style, preferences, and professional goals. Are you a social butterfly, eager to flutter your way into the heart of a buzzing co-working community? Or perhaps you're more of a lone wolf, seeking a serene den for uninterrupted focus? Picture yourself on a virtual coffee date with your workspace, and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you prefer a space with background chatter, laughter, and a vibrant atmosphere? You might be a "Socialite Nomad" who thrives on the energy of a bustling community.

  • Are you the kind of nomad who needs a calm, distraction-free zone to hit those productivity highs? Embrace your "Zen Nomad" persona, in search of a serene sanctuary.

  • Are you looking for a workspace that's not just a desk and a chair, but a vibrant hub of networking events, skill-sharing sessions, and potential collaborations? Consider yourself a "Networking Nomad" who loves to connect and grow professionally.

1.2 The Location Dilemma: Urban Jungle or Coastal Dream?

Location, my dear nomad, is like the seasoning of your co-working curry. Are you craving the sizzling excitement of a dynamic city, where skyscrapers dance with the clouds? Or does the soothing sound of waves crashing on sandy shores whisper sweet nothings to your adventurous soul? Let's find out which location suits your nomadic appetite:

  • Urban Adventurer: You're a city dweller at heart, reveling in the hustle and bustle of vibrant metropolises. Co-working spaces nestled amidst the city's vibrant streets, cafes, and cultural events are your go-to choice.

  • Beach Bum: Ah, the allure of sandy toes and salty kisses! For you, a beachfront co-working space with panoramic ocean views is the ultimate dream. A workspace that combines work and play, where you can dip your toes in the water during lunch breaks, is pure bliss.

1.3 Budget: The Frugal Nomad's Dilemma

The dreaded budget conversation—let's face it, we're all in a committed relationship with our wallets. Co-working spaces come in all price ranges, from budget-friendly gems to lavish work sanctuaries. But don't be afraid! There's a perfect fit for every pocket, and we'll find yours:

  • Penny Pincher: You're the savvy nomad who knows the art of living large on a shoestring budget. Co-working spaces that offer affordable day passes, flexible memberships, or even free trials will have your heart skipping a beat.

  • Treat Yourself: If you're all about the luxurious experience, don't shy away from the more premium co-working spaces. After all, you deserve the best, and splurging on a stunning workspace can elevate your productivity and morale.

Researching Co-working Spaces

Researching Co-working Spaces

The thrilling phase of co-working space exploration—the digital nomad's equivalent of swiping left or right on potential workspaces. Don't be afraid, my adventurous friend! I'll show you this virtual sea of options to find the co-working gem that aligns perfectly with your nomadic aspirations.

2.1 Virtual Tours and Reviews: The Co-working Catwalk

In this digital age, co-working spaces showcase their finest features on the virtual catwalk—a.k.a. their websites and social media pages. Picture yourself as a discerning fashionista, critiquing the finest co-working ensembles. Check out virtual tours that give you a sneak peek into the workspace layout, amenities, and ambiance. Just like fashion reviews, co-working space reviews from fellow nomads provide candid insights into the co-working experience—sort of like a Yelp for workspaces. Let's not forget, dear nomad, that every space has its strengths and quirks, just like that one friend who always wears mismatched socks but tells the best jokes.

2.2 Cozy Corners or Community Hubs?

Co-working spaces are like colorful, eclectic cafes—they come in all flavors! Some spaces are buzzing community hubs, offering networking events, workshops, and enough social interaction to make a politician blush. On the other end of the spectrum, you'll find cozy, tucked-away corners where introverted nomads can find solace and solitude. It's like choosing between a lively dance party or a peaceful yoga retreat—both have their allure. So, dear nomad, decide if you're more of a networking maestro, eager to dive into a sea of vibrant professionals, or if you prefer to silently work your magic from the shadows.

2.3 Trial Days and Flexibility: Co-working Speed Dating

The nomadic equivalent of speed dating—trial days at co-working spaces! These nifty offerings allow you to dip your toes into the co-working pool before making a long-term commitment. Treat it like dating multiple spaces at once—you're not cheating; you're just keeping your options open! Flexibility is the name of the game in the nomadic world. Look for co-working spaces that offer daily passes, weekly memberships, or flexible plans that cater to your nomadic lifestyle. After all, we're all about embracing the spirit of adventure, and that includes the freedom to roam and explore without getting tied down.

2.4 The Mystery of Co-working Space Amenities

Imagine the co-working space amenities as a treasure hunt. Some spaces boast supercharged internet speeds that can make you feel like you're surfing the web on a magic carpet. Others may charm you with ergonomic chairs that embrace your back like a long-lost friend. The best co-working spaces offer an exciting mix of amenities to cater to your professional needs. High-speed internet, printing services, private meeting rooms, and complimentary refreshments are just a few of the gems you might uncover. It's like a digital nomad's version of Disneyland—the more amenities, the merrier the workday!

2.5 Co-working Spaces as Social Buffets

The allure of co-working spaces: Where professionals of all flavors gather to savor the buffet of social interactions. Picture yourself at a grand feast, mingling with people from diverse backgrounds, industries, and cultures. Some co-working spaces even offer language or cultural exchange programs, where you can swap stories and learn new phrases from your international peers. It's a social extravaganza—a global potluck of connections and camaraderie. So, dear nomad, don your metaphorical party hat and prepare to indulge in the social feast of co-working spaces!

Must-Have Amenities

Must-Have Amenities

The nomadic checklist of co-working dreams—the section where we uncover the hidden gems that transform an ordinary workspace into a digital nomad's paradise. Buckle up, fellow nomads, as we journey through the realm of must-have amenities!

3.1 Blazing-Fast Internet: The Wi-Fi Wizardry

For a digital nomad, fast and reliable internet is the holy grail—the secret potion that keeps us connected to the virtual world. It's like having a magical wizard at your service, casting spells to ensure that your video calls don't turn into buffering nightmares. Imagine uploading files at the speed of light, seamlessly collaborating with your team, and never having to utter those dreaded words, "Can you hear me now?". So, prioritize the co-working spaces that offer Wi-Fi wizardry—a connection so smooth, it'll make your favorite caffeinated beverage jealous!

3.2 Ergonomic Comfort: Chair Heaven and Desk Nirvana

As digital nomads, we're no strangers to long hours of screen time and focused work. But don't be afraid, weary nomad, for ergonomic comfort is here to save the day! Picture yourself sitting on a cloud-like chair that cradles your back like a supportive friend. And let's not forget about the adjustable desks that cater to your height and preferred working style. It's like finding the perfect pair of shoes that make you feel like you're walking on air. With ergonomic comfort, you'll conquer your workday like a seasoned pro and bid farewell to backaches and discomfort.

3.3 Meeting and Conference Facilities: The Deal-Making Dens

The thrill of sealing the deal with a firm handshake and a winning presentation—whether you're meeting clients or collaborating with your remote team, having access to well-equipped meeting and conference facilities is a game-changer. Picture yourself in a professional space, equipped with top-notch audiovisual aids and comfortable seating, where you can impress your audience and close the deal with flair. It's like stepping into a secret lair of productivity—a place where deals are made, ideas are born, and success is just a presentation away.

3.4 Refreshments and Snacks: The Fuel for Productivity

We nomads may have a penchant for adventure, but we also know the value of a well-timed snack break! Co-working spaces that offer complimentary refreshments and healthy snacks are like oases in the nomadic desert. Picture yourself refueling with a cup of freshly brewed coffee, sipping on a revitalizing tea, or grabbing a handful of energizing nuts between tasks. It's like having a snack bar stocked with all your favorites, ready to power up your workday. So, let your workspace keep your belly happy and your productivity soaring!

3.5 Communal Areas for Networking: The Social Hubs

The beating heart of co-working spaces—the communal areas that breathe life into networking and social interactions. Picture yourself in a shared kitchen, making small talk over coffee with fellow nomads from around the globe. It's like a cocktail party where professional connections are stirred, and friendships are shaken (or vice versa). The communal areas are where serendipitous encounters happen, sparking collaborations, sharing industry insights, and even forming lifelong friendships. Embrace the social hubs of co-working spaces, where work and play intertwine in a delightful dance of networking magic.

Assessing Community and Networking

Assessing Community and Networking

Picture this, fellow nomads: You've found a cozy co-working space with blazing-fast internet, ergonomic chairs, and an endless supply of snacks—sounds like paradise, right? But hold your digital horses! A nomadic workspace isn't just about the physical amenities; it's also about the vibrant community that brings it to life.

4.1 The Nomad Mixer: A Symphony of Networking

Imagine your co-working space as a bustling nomad mixer—a grand symphony of professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries. It's like being at a vibrant party where the guest list includes talented designers, savvy marketers, innovative developers, and witty copywriters. Immerse yourself in this networking symphony. Strike up conversations, share your passions, and collaborate like a symphony conductor guiding an orchestra of talents. Who knows, you might just find your next business partner, a mentor, or a fellow adventurer to explore the local sights with!

4.2 Community Events: Where Networking Takes Flight

Co-working spaces are more than just a spot to park your laptop (I love these words :) —they're thriving ecosystems of events and workshops. Picture yourself at a community event, attending a workshop on digital marketing or a skill-sharing session on creative writing. It's like being in a learning wonderland, where you can sharpen your professional skills and grow in unexpected ways. So, dear nomad, dive into the sea of community events, soak up knowledge, and let your nomadic spirit soar on the wings of learning and collaboration.

4.3 The Friendly Vibe: Embracing Camaraderie

The magical ambiance of a co-working space that feels like a warm hug—it's like entering a secret clubhouse where everyone knows your name. Friendly smiles, shared jokes, and spontaneous conversations create an atmosphere of camaraderie. It's like being part of a close-knit family, united by the nomadic spirit and a shared passion for remote work. Embrace the friendly vibe, dear nomad, and let the connections you make here become the pillars of support and inspiration on your nomadic journey.

4.4 Nomadic Nom-Nom: Sharing Culinary Adventures

In the nomadic world, food is not just sustenance—it's an adventure! Picture yourself in a co-working space with a shared kitchen, where the aromas of diverse cuisines fill the air. It's like being on a global culinary tour, sampling delicacies from different cultures. So, my food-loving nomad, gather 'round the communal table, swap recipes, and embrace the nomadic nom-nom culture. Who knows, your next lunch break might turn into a feast of international flavors and delightful conversations!

4.5 Supportive Allies: Building Your Nomadic Tribe

In this nomadic odyssey, your co-working community becomes your tribe—a support system that cheers you on through challenges and celebrates your triumphs. Picture yourself surrounded by allies who understand the joys and hurdles of the nomadic lifestyle. It's like having a squad of cheerleaders who've got your back no matter where your work adventures take you. So, dear nomad, cherish these supportive allies, and let the bonds of friendship grow as you share the nomadic rollercoaster together.

Trusting Your Nomadic Instincts

Trusting Your Nomadic Instincts

In the quest for the perfect co-working spot, trust your nomadic instincts. Listen to your gut feeling and intuition as you explore different spaces. A co-working spot that feels like home and aligns with your professional goals is worth its weight in gold.

A World of Co-working Adventures Awaits

Choosing the perfect co-working spot abroad is an exciting journey of self-discovery and exploration. Embrace the nomadic lifestyle with an open heart and a discerning eye, and you'll find the workspace that ignites your passion for remote work. With a blend of research, must-have amenities, and a vibrant community, your destination workspace awaits—an oasis where productivity and adventure intertwine in perfect harmony.

And as always, until the next post arrivederci folks :)